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Fall 2025 Course Atlas

Course Listing

Click course titles to view details. Subject to change.

Students must attend the first class to remain enrolled in the workshop unless noted otherwise.

Students are required to attend on-campus readings and colloquia sponsored by the Creative Writing Program outside of class time.

House: A fiction writing workshop focused on structure(s)   

Yanique         Tuesday   1:00-3:45




This is a class in which structure is both the craft concept and the content material. We will read stories and novels about houses in order to think through what these structures mean in our lives. We will use this learning to consider what architecture can teach us about the creative act of building stories and novels. We will write fiction that is attuned to narrative structure and to the role of structures in stories.  


Texts and Grading Breakdown TBA



ENGCW 190-2 First Year Seminar: What is Translation? (SPAN 190-1, ENG 190-4)

Professor Lisa Dillman (Department of Spanish & Portuguese)

Please see the University Course Atlas for details.

Ciano              Wednesday   2:30-5:30

Pre-requisite: None

Students must attend the first class to be enrolled in this workshop.


The instructor will be incoming Poetry Fellow, James Ciano. 

“Too often in workshops and classrooms there is a concentration on the poem’s garments instead of its life’s blood,” writes poet Linda Gregg in her essay “The Art of Finding.” In this introductory course, we will, of course, address the fundamental “garments” of writing poetry, those essential poetic tools of craft. But, more than that, we will strive to tap into the experiences that compose our “life’s blood” — those things that have shaped who we are, what we think, what we feel, and how we see the world. Each student should feel affirmed that the singularity of their lived experience lends them the power to write poems that no one else can write. Through considered attention to our work and that of our peers, and the close reading of work by other poets, we will find ways to make that “life’s blood” sing.

Students will write weekly poems, as well as reading responses, feedback to one another, and a final portfolio. We will work to create a space of community through dynamic discussion, participation, and the sharing aloud and workshopping of our own poems. Over the course of the semester, each workshop participant, buoyed by our classroom community, will move closer to writing the poems they most want, and most need, to write.



Students will be given PDFs.



20% Participation & Preparedness

20% Weekly Poems

30% Reading Responses

30% Final Portfolio (Revised poems and an artist’s statement)


Pre-requisite: none

Students must attend the first class to be enrolled in this workshop.



ENGCW 272W-1          Duong                 Tuesday   2:30-5:30

ENGCW 272W-2          Yanique               Wednesday   1:00-3:45


Duong’s section:

In this introductory course, students will read short stories and learn the fundamentals of the craft of fiction. Special attention will be paid to sensory detail, imagery, style, and form. Students will learn to write toward their interests and obsessions, generate new work, and gain confidence and skill as writers.  Most importantly, students will learn to read fiction—both published work and the original work of their peers—charitably and carefully, a fundamental skill for any creative practice. By the end of the course, students should come away with a deeper appreciation not just for craft, but for the diversity of artistic and intellectual enterprise that literature brings to bear on social life.

Throughout the semester, you will workshop your own stories alongside those of your peers. Each student will workshop one piece of short fiction and write thoughtful workshop letters analyzing and responding to their peers' stories. You will also be expected to complete five writing exercises, culminating in a final portfolio of revised and new writing, accompanied by a short writer's statement. Your attendance at the Creative Writing Program’s readings this semester is required.



There are no required books for this course. All texts will be made available in print and PDF form.



Attendance and participation               30%

Workshop submissions                          20%

Workshop Critique Letters                     20%

Five writing exercises                              15%

Final portfolio                                           15%



Yanique’s section:

Making People: Empathy and Expertise   

This is an introductory course on the art of fiction writing. We will focus on elements of craft such as character development, narrative control, dialogue, scene development, setting, structure, openings and endings. We will engage with fiction writing as always about creating human beings with histories, bodies, and social realities; as always about creating a world anew for an audience; and as always a form of communication with an ongoing humanity—be it dead writers, current beloveds, future anonymous readers or one’s own self. Students will come to understand the fiction workshop as a place to face fears, biases and the limitations of the imagination all via practice and hard work. Students will come to see fiction as a place to communicate as writers and critics. Students come to see fiction writing and critical reading as a place to engage bravely and vulnerably with grief, joy and the full range of human emotions between. 



A House for Alice by Diana Evans   

Everything Inside by Edwidge Danticat

Handouts assigned by the professor



Students will be assessed on four elements of the course, as listed below. Each aspect of the class will be weighed equally at 25%. Students must perform with excellence on all elements of the course to receive an A-. Excellence is defined by the professor. Students performing very well will receive a grade on the B to B+ scale. Students performing well will receive a grade on the C+ to B- scale. Students performing mediocrely will receive a grade on the D to C scale. Students performing inadequately will be asked to leave the class or they will receive an F grade. The A grade is reserved for students who exceed the professor’s expectations.


Pre-requisite: any 200-level workshop


ENGCW 370RW-1      staff                    Monday 2:30-5:30

ENGCW 370RW-2      Tolin                   Tuesday 2:30-5:30


Section 1:

Students must attend the first class to be enrolled in this workshop.

Instructor and details TBA


Tolin's section:

**Only accepted students should attend the first class.**

Writing sample: 10-15 pages of fiction (double-spaced), genre writing accepted


Details TBA


Pre-requisite: any 200-level workshop

Writing sample: 3-4 poems on separate pages



ENGCW 371RW-1            Duong                         Monday 2:30-5:30

ENGCW 371RW-2            Christle                        Wednesday 1:00-3:45


Duong’s section:

Students must attend the first class to be enrolled in this workshop.


This intermediate course is a space for experienced poets to further sharpen and expand their poetry practices in an intensive workshop environment. Over the course of the semester, we will explore the poem as a kind of hybrid research endeavor—an investigation driven by language and syntax. How do poets draw subjects, language, and even formal considerations for their poems from external sources such as historical records, interview transcripts, and art objects? In each class session, we will work towards a shared set of terms and ideas with which we might complicate our understanding of poetry’s possibilities. We will read five poetry collections and a number of other poems, craft essays, and hybrid works across a range of English-language literary styles and traditions.

Assignments for this course include drafting a new poem for workshop each week, conducting collaborative in-class exercises, devising a unique research assignment, and assembling a final portfolio consisting of revised poems accompanied by an artist’s statement. You will also be expected to give and receive peer feedback on workshop submissions, which you will implement during the revision process. All students are required to attend the Creative Writing Program’s readings this semester.



  • Look by Solmaz Sharif 
  • Reenactments by Hai-Dang Phan
  • Couplets: A Love Story by Maggie Millner  
  • Information Desk by Robyn Schiff 
  • Ghost Of by Diana Khoi Nguyen 

Other texts will either be available on Canvas or distributed in class.



Attendance and participation                             30%

Weekly poem submissions                                  20%

Poetry research assignment                               10%

Research statement essay                                   10%

Final portfolio                                                         30%



Christle’s section:

Both accepted and waitlisted students are required to attend the first class.


This is an intermediate, intensive workshop in which you will read, discuss, create, revise, and otherwise experience an abundance of poetry. We will seek, in our meetings, to make connections between the language and ideas of poetry and those of the worlds we inhabit. Together we will develop and expand a shared vocabulary we will use to communicate how poems can be made, read, understood, furthered, and enjoyed. You will read five full-length poetry collections, as well as an abundance of other texts (posted to Canvas) in order to familiarize yourself with the breadth of possibilities and traditions from which you might draw. Highly engaged, curious, respectful participation in discussion of classmates’ work, assigned texts, and other conversations is required. In varying forms over the course of the semester you will receive a combination of feedback from both myself and your peers, which you will use as you revise your poems for your portfolio.

Writing assignments will include one new poem each week, in-class exercises, weekly notebook entries, annotations on classmates’ poems, craft-based responses to three of the assigned texts, and a final portfolio, which will include revised poems and an introductory essay.

The Creative Writing Program is hosting several readings this semester, and your presence will be required at all of them.

An openness to experimenting with new forms of reading, writing, and attention will buoy your work.


Required texts or materials to be purchased:

  • TBD


Assessment and grading:

Writing of weekly poems (20%)

Class participation, including annotations on classmates' poems (20%)

Craft-based responses to books (15%)

Individual conferences and attendance at CW events (10%)

Weekly notebook entries (10%)

Final portfolio of revised poems and introductory essay (25%)


Attendance is essential. Your steady presence is required to foster the sense of trust and community upon which the structure of this course depends. If you are absent, you will receive no credit for participation that week. In addition, students who miss two classes will see their grade lowered by one half letter (an A to an A-, an A- to a B+, and so forth). Students who miss three classes will see their grade lowered by one whole letter (an A to a B, an A- to a B-, and so forth). Students who miss more than three classes will be asked to drop the course.


Pre-requisite: none

Writing sample: TBA



ENGCW/THEA 372RW-1            Pharel                         Tuesday  2:30-5:30

ENGCW/THEA 372RW-2            Belflower                    Thursday 2:30-5:30 


Pharel’s section:

Details TBA


Belflower's section:

Details TBA


ENGCW 378RW-1 / FILM 378RW-3            staff                  Wednesday 2:30-5:30

(Professor Joe Conway’s Screenwriting classes do not require consent. Please direct inquiries to Film & Media Studies for those sections.)


Pre-requisiteany 200-level workshop or FILM 101/270

Writing sample: 2-5 pages in any genre, preferably narrative prose

Students must attend the first class to be enrolled in this workshop.


The instructor will be the incoming Screenwriting Fellow. 

Details TBA


Klibanoff          Tuesday   2:30-5:15    

(crosslisted with AAS/AMST/HIST 387RW-1)  

Pre-requisite: none; not open to first-year students


Details TBA


Permission required: accepted Creative Writing and Playwriting honors students only. One semester of honors counts as one workshop.