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Fellowship Positions

Poetry and Playwriting Fellowships: Finalists have been selected.

Screenwriting Fellowship: Applications under review.

Past Fellowship Postings

Application Deadline: 11:59 PM, February 15, 2024


Two-year fellowship in fiction in lively undergraduate English/Creative Writing Program, beginning Fall 2024. A two-year commitment is assumed but the contract renewal for the second year is contingent on a positive review of the first year. Load 2-1, all workshops; $45,000 and health benefits. Fellow will give a public reading. Required: MFA or PhD in last five years, with Creative Writing teaching experience; record of publication, but no full-length book published or under contract. Desirable: interest in secondary genre, creative nonfiction, and/or screenwriting.

Submit electronic dossier, including cover letter discussing teaching experience and philosophy, CV, name and contact information of two references, and a 25-page writing sample. In a separate statement, please describe your vision and experience teaching and mentoring students from diverse backgrounds. Submit all materials to by 11:59pm on February 15, 2024.

This deadline is firm and late applications will not be considered. The search committee will begin reviewing applications as they arrive. Applicants who make the longlist will be asked to submit recommendation letters from their two references as soon as possible, to be received no later than March 1.

Emory University is committed to student and faculty diversity, equality, and inclusion. Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application deadline: 11:59pm, November 25, 2024


Two-year fellowship in poetry in lively undergraduate English/Creative Writing Program, beginning Fall 2025. A two-year commitment is assumed but the contract renewal for the second year is contingent on a positive review of the first year. Load 1-2, all workshops; $50,000 salary, and health benefits. No moving expenses provided. Fellow will give a public reading and have access to the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library, a 75,000-volume rare and modern poetry library housed at Emory. Required: MFA or PhD in the last five years or complete by Spring 2025, with undergraduate Creative Writing teaching experience. ABD not acceptable. Desirable: record of periodical publications and secondary interests such as creative nonfiction and working in archives. Applicants should have no first book yet in print (chapbooks excluded).

Submit electronic dossier, including cover letter discussing teaching experience and philosophy, CV, name and contact information of two references who may be contacted later in the process, and a writing sample of no more than 15 pages of poetry. In your cover letter or in a separate statement, please reflect upon your experience and vision regarding the teaching and mentorship of students from diverse backgrounds. Submit all materials to by 11:59pm, November 25, 2024. This deadline is firm and late applications will not be considered. The search committee will begin reviewing applications as they arrive. Applicants who make the longlist will be asked to submit recommendation letters from their two references as soon as possible, to be received no later than December 6.   


Emory University is committed to student and faculty diversity, equality, and inclusion and is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline: 11:59pm, November 25, 2024 



Emory University offers a two-year Playwriting Fellowship in connection with its BA in Playwriting, a joint major offered by Theater Studies and the Creative Writing Program. Beginning in Fall 2025, the Fellowship offers a $50,000 salary, health benefits, and $1,000 annual travel fund. The Fellow will have a 2-1 teaching load, including both playwriting workshops and literature courses such as “Contemporary Drama.”  The Playwriting Fellow will give a public reading for the Creative Writing Reading Series, and work with Theater Emory to develop a new play over the course of the fellowship.  Fellows may be asked to advise student honors theses and/or perform other mentoring activities.

A two-year commitment is assumed but the contract renewal for the second year is contingent on a positive review of the first year.



Required:  MFA in Playwriting, or equivalent degree, within the past 8 years, and related teaching experience. 

Desirable:  Promising record of production and/or play development in regional or national theater.


Application Instructions:

Submit electronic dossier, including cover letter, CV, two letters of recommendation, and a writing sample to

Writing sample should be submitted without identifying name and should be a full-length play. 

In your cover letter, or in a separate statement, please reflect upon how the fellowship will facilitate your professional development, and speak to your teaching experience and philosophy. Include your experience and vision regarding the teaching and mentorship of students from diverse backgrounds.

The November 25th deadline is firm. Late applications will not be considered.


Emory University is committed to student and faculty diversity, equality, and inclusion and is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application deadline: 11:59pm, March 15, 2025


Two-year fellowship in screenwriting in lively undergraduate English/Creative Writing Program, beginning Fall 2025. A two-year commitment is assumed, but the contract renewal for the second year is contingent on a positive review of the first year, and fellows are encouraged to apply for full-time tenure-track positions at other institutions both years. Load: 2-1, all workshops. The fellowship offers $50,000 salary, health benefits, and an annual travel fund to support creative development and/or producing activities. Fellow will give a public reading/screening for the Creative Writing Program Reading Series. Fellow may be asked to advise student honors theses and/or perform other mentoring activities.

Required: MFA or equivalent degree with related teaching experience; promising record of sold or produced screenplay and/or development, or produced teleplay. Desirable: secondary interest/experience in television writing; short film writing; producing.

Submit electronic dossier, including cover letter discussing teaching experience and philosophy, CV, name and contact information of two references, and a writing sample (full-length screenplay or teleplay). In a separate statement, please describe your vision and experience teaching and mentoring students from diverse backgrounds (no more than one page). Submit all materials to by 11:59pm on March 15, 2025.

This deadline is firm, and late applications will not be considered. The search committee will begin reviewing applications as they arrive. Applicants who make the longlist will be asked to submit recommendation letters from their two references as soon as possible, to be received no later than April 1.


Emory University is committed to student and faculty diversity, equality, and inclusion. Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.