All students must take one 200-level Introduction class at Oxford College or Emory before advancing to Intermediate 300-level workshops.
- ENGCW 270 or 270W Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENGCW 271 or 271W Introduction to Poetry Writing
- ENGCW 272 or 272W Introduction to Fiction Writing
The same is required of non-majors who wish to take Creative Writing workshops, though some instructors may choose to waive this requirement for junior and senior non-majors.
The requirement is never waived for majors.
Fall 2025 courses that do not require a 200-level introductory class:
- ENGCW/THEA 372RW Intermediate Playwriting
- ENGCW 385RW and crosslists AAS/AMST/HIST 387RW Georgia Civil Rights Cold Cases
Spring 2025 courses that do not require a 200-level introductory class:
- ENGCW/THEA 372RW Intermediate Playwriting
- ENGCW 376RW-1 Nonfiction Magazine and Long-form Writing (not open to first-year students)
- ENGCW 389-1/JS 375-2 The Fall of Jerusalem: The Talmudic Tales (an Intro class is required for Creative Writing majors only)
Students who have completed the 200-level requirement may apply to any Intermediate workshop.
A 300-level Intermediate course is a pre-requisite for Advanced courses, which are usually offered in the Spring semester. Students who wish to take an Advanced course in fiction, poetry, or playwriting must receive a grade of A or A- in the respective Intermediate 300-level course.
Extracurricular activities for all courses: Students are required to attend Creative Writing Program readings and colloquia outside of class time and are encouraged to attend any other activities co-sponsored by the Program.
More information about the Creative Writing Program requirements.
Permission is required to enroll in all Creative Writing classes in Fall and Spring
Students must fill out an application and submit to the Creative Writing Program office via email to Nora Lewis at nora.lewis@emory.edu. First Year Seminar (FSEM) courses taught by Creative Writing and classes taught during Summer terms never require an application.
Please note the following:
- If your application includes a writing sample, it must be added to the end of the application and sent as ONE DOCUMENT IN WORD FORMAT.
- Your email subject line must include "application" -- failure to use this keyword may result in a delayed response.
- Applications will be accepted until the end of Add/Drop/Swap (or until classes are full/closed).
- All classes are HAPW unless otherwise noted in the University Course Atlas.
- All classes have a maximum of 15 students. Classes may be closed at a lower enrollment. Course Atlas/OPUS may not reflect the accurate number of open seats.
Oxford Students
Oxford students may apply for introductory workshops that are not offered on that campus. Please consult with your advisor about eligibility. Oxford students who have completed a required 200-level introductory course may apply for Emory 300-level Intermediate workshops.